A digital asset management (DAM) platform presents unique benefits for your customers—allowing you to offer them an immersive experience that includes in-depth metrics reporting, easier access to beneficial content and simplified organization of assets.

What is a DAM

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital asset management (DAM) is an effective way for your business to store, manage and share files with your customers. Because these files are valuable resources, it’s imperative to have them organized and easy to find—and a DAM delivers content to the right people when they need it.

A DAM can help you have control and flexibility over these digital assets, supporting your customers by providing them easy access to this imperative content. A DAM not only helps with storing assets, though; it can also support in analyzing content through comprehensive metrics tracking. As digital marketing continues to experience growth, digital assets and media files are becoming more heavily utilized—and having a DAM in place can help bolster processes and boost overall productivity.

Five Benefits of a DAM

Five Benefits of Digital Asset Management

DAM solutions present unique benefits that help you better support your customers—starting with improving your metrics tracking capabilities.

Improved Metrics Tracking

Metrics analysis is a cornerstone for any business that can help gauge success over the long term. Setting goals, establishing a cadence for how often you check in on your metrics reports and determining your key performance indicators can help support ongoing success. Metrics analysis needs to be an integral part of your strategy, as this analysis can help your marketing team develop more effective content that your audience will benefit from.

With your digital assets, it’s important to understand what your customers need from you to help guide what you create and upload to your DAM. Fortunately, DAM solutions can measure content performance to assist you in forming more concrete strategies. This can then identify which content you should continue to prioritize moving forward—and which can be eliminated from your long-term plan.

You should consider measuring:

  • Pageviews: Determine which pages within your DAM are being viewed the most
  • Content types: See which asset formats are being used the most, including images, files or videos
  • Popularity of assets: Determine which assets are being used more often than others

Analyzing these metrics can help you better understand your customers’ needs and which content appeals to them. It’s worth noting that not all DAMs will offer a feature like this, so it’s important to invest in one that best suits your needs.

Streamlined Organization

Content should be easy for customers to access—no matter what it is you’re storing—and a DAM makes it simple to filter and find the content that they need. DAM solutions allow you to set a standard naming system so that an admin can tag content, making it easier to sort through. Tags could include images, product names or an upload date—whatever is most applicable to the content you’re uploading.

Your customers can play a key role in the promotion of a new product or service. If you recently developed a campaign around a new launch, you should consider having the applicable assets easily accessible. By granting your customers access to these assets, it provides them ease of use and increases their level of organization.

Increased Productivity

DAM solutions create opportunities for your customers to be more productive while saving time and resources working on everyday projects. By using a centralized hub, your customers can find what they need quicker—allowing them to allocate more time to their growing businesses.

Through a DAM, you can streamline distribution of new assets to your customers, which will pull the content they need whenever they need it and eliminate more cumbersome routes like email. Along with this improved distribution, customers have visual access to which assets have already been created; this will prevent excess work like creating duplicate materials. Through these streamlined marketing efforts, your customers can better promote their businesses and seek the growth they desire.

Sustained Branding

It can be difficult to know which assets are updated without a centralized storage location. Fortunately, a DAM makes it easy for your customers to always reference the latest marketing and sales materials—and ensure that the most up-to-date images, logos and fonts are being used. The consistent use of properly branded items helps ensure your messaging is on point.

You could designate an admin that controls access for a customer’s business, granting access only to a final folder with the most updated assets. That way, there’s no question whether or not customers are using the correct files.

Whatever route you choose, you need to ensure that your team understands how the system works and creates a streamlined process for customers.

Enhanced Security

A DAM can assist with organizing roles and permissions, which allows an administrator to assign access based on which content is relevant to each user. If you want to differentiate which of your customers has access to certain content, you have the capability to do this. You also have the option to assign admins within the customer’s internal team so they can directly assign permissions. Along with protecting the integrity of your assets, the permissions feature also improves the overall user experience, as your customers will only see what they need.

DAM solutions can also help keep external threats out. Sharing information via email or through a cloud-based server can be useful—but they are also vulnerable to security threats. Make sure to look for a DAM that offers features like two-factor authentication and encrypted data to increase security. Not all DAMs offer the exact same security features, so ensure you select one that will keep your assets safe.

Konvert Digital Asset Management

Simplify Your Digital Asset Management with Konvert

Being an asset to your customers and helping them grow their business is key to a lasting partnership—and a DAM provides an avenue for effective support.

The Konvert business-to-business DAM is set up so that your customers can easily access relevant files and enables them to share this content with key stakeholders. You can also track the usage of your digital assets through advanced metrics analysis tools so you can create more content that resonates with your customers.

With Konvert, you’ll experience the power of:

  • Single source of truth: Centralize your assets to improve your content access
  • Security: Control access of assets through user permissions
  • File sharing: Create a secure environment to share assets quicker
  • Thumbnail previews: Get a quick glimpse of your files

Contact us today to learn more about implementing an effective DAM.

Marketing analytics allow you to monitor campaigns and their respective outcomes, enabling you to spend each dollar as effectively as possible.