There’s a better way to utilize your DAM and LMS. With Konvert™, you can enhance your lead generation strategies by engaging more efficiently with users who access your content. Because Konvert is a single-source SaaS, tracking the actions users take within the LMS and DAM platforms is easier than ever—and more efficient for your internal team.

Offer Answers, Inspire Inquires

A New Path Toward Value
A New Path Toward Value
Invite potential leads into your Konvert platform to hone valuable business skills, experience your brand or access assets.
A Fresh Entry Point
A Fresh Entry Point
Rethink your funnel. Konvert’s open LMS and DAM access means more engagements and opportunities to qualify leads.
Engagement, Re-engagement
Engagement, Re-engagement
Gain contacts that you can integrate with your CRM and re-engage across multiple marketing activities.

Konvert reimagines previous uses for LMS and DAM software—and provides a new edge in the battle for B2B online lead generation.


Konvert Person

How can Konvert serve as a lead generation tool?


Konvert allows you to invite interested prospects to access learning content within your business’s platform. In return, you gain valuable information.

Konvert Person

Can Konvert help me utilize the content I have to create relationships with prospects?


Yes! Our ability to identify users and track their actions can provide your team with the valuable data they need for remarketing down the road.

Konvert Person

How can an LMS help a customer learn more about my business?


Invite a prospective client to access your LMS, and you can provide examples of solutions, including your own products and services. Content like instructional documentation, on-demand webinars and explanatory videos can detail what sets you apart.

Konvert Person
Konvert Person

What makes an LMS better than a digital ad?


Digital ad prices are rising, so cost-efficient solutions like Konvert offer benefits that you won’t get from a web ad: customer education, employee training, lead generation and metrics tracking.

Konvert Person

Why should I place an emphasis on educating my customers?


If you truly want to generate qualified leads, it’s important to give your prospects the information they need to make purchasing decisions. Konvert can guide your prospects through the buyer’s journey.

Qualified Leads